Certified Speech-Language Pathologist
Augmentative Alternative Communication Specialist

My Services
Augmentative Alternative Communication
Development of tools and systems to allow those whose natural speech doesn't meet all of their communication needs and that facilitates their independent participation in social exchanges.
Comprehensive evaluation of a person's nature communication abilities and needs Identification of assistive technologies, including speech generating devices, that can facilitate communication and participation​ Community based therapy activities to promote use of AAC Communication partner training for supporting a person's use of AAC Attainment of insurance coverage for speech generating devices
Individualized Intervention
Personalized Group or Individual Trainings
Comprehensive, personalized trainings designed with your input to build skills with Augmentative Alternative Communication could include communication partner trainings, training on specific communication devices and insurance process.

Ashley Couture, M.S., CCC-SLP
Certified Speech Language Pathologist
I have been working in the field of medical Speech Language Pathology nearly 25 years. I am passionate about helping each individual find their true voice and helping to remove barriers to people’s participation in life that may be created by differences in communication.
Augmentative alternative communication across the age span and across diagnoses
Brain injury such as stroke, concussion, long COVID
Ashley was astute to listen and understand me and my deficits. Also she was and still is compassionate, empathetic and a knowledgeable guide for me and other patients.
- TOM PICHLER, person with aphasia
Ashley's extraordinary expertise, guidance, advocacy and overall care is one of the primary reasons my daughter is the thriving and capable teenager she is today. It is impossible to overstate how critical Ashley is to her recovery, and how much she has meant to my daughter and to me as a therapist, an ally, and a friend.
-JESSE NATHA VENDITUOLI, mother of a young stroke survivor
During one of the most terrifying times of my life, Ashley provided hope and the skills to realize those hopes for my husband. She is an outstanding speech language therapist and an extremely good human being.

VT Medicaid